Monthly – January 2020

Do// It’s a new year!! 2020 is here, new goals and new things to be excited about. woo hoo! Basketball Avery started her basketball league, this is proving to be more stressful for the parents. Amanda and I we those parents shouting… She is enjoying it and having fun, so thats REALLY all that matters.…

Monthly – December 2019

Do// Birthday’s Galore! December is a busy month for us, we have double birthdays (Avery and Brynn). We celebrated with each girl having a day with just the two of us. Each one of them got to pick their activities. Believe it or not (believe it) we ended up at the Mall of America twice.…

Monthly – November 2019

Do// It’s officially the off-season A Fresh wash & was was before storage is always necessary. I did a full correction last year before storage this year things were still looking pretty nice. I washed, worked on a few light scratches (dang cones) then laid down a fresh coat of wax. Until next year… Nora’s…

Halloween in Salem

Twas the day before Halloween at 3pm… I’m in a meeting at work when Amanda texted me “should we?” along with a screenshot. 5 tickets to Boston, the goal? Trick or Treat in Salem. I was surprised at the idea and had to do a quick sanity check. The idea sounded just crazy enough that…

Monthly – October 2019

Do// Minnesota Science Museum We had a random rainy Saturday and the kids wanted to get out of the house, we ended up at the Science museum in St Paul. It’s been years since I had been, it was fun to see the current exhibits and the kids had a blast. The girls loved the…

3D Printing: Ring Doorbell Bracket

“You have a 3D printer right?? I have a fun challenge for you…” That was how the conversation started with a colleague. The task: Create a bracket for a Ring doorbell to keep the existing mount location. When the original doorbell was mounted on this house, no one predicted we would be wishing to mount…

Monthly – September 2019

I’m starting to collect various things I listen to, read, or do each month into a trackable, searchable item. Here is too starting! DO// The Great Minnesota Get Together – Fried food on sticks. It’s been a few years since Amanda and I (and the kids) have been to the state fair. I was…

Street Touring Roadster (STR) MX-5

Well, my plans for staying in C Street (CS) was short-lived. I eluded to this in the CS post. As the snow was melting here the car parts started flowing on a few local groups, this resulted in me getting some BC Racing coilovers. This was a deal I couldn’t pass up, I did decide…